2021 Bellana, B., Mansour, R., Ladyka-Wojcik, N., Grady, C. L., & Moscovitch, M. (2021). The influence of prior knowledge on the formation of detailed and durable memories. Journal of Memory and Language121, 104264.
  Youm, A., & Moscovitch, M. (2021). Aging, pattern separation, and categorical perception of faces. Neuropsychologia161, 107999.
Giuliano, A. E., Bonasia, K., Ghosh, V. E., Moscovitch, M., & Gilboa, A. (2021). Differential Influence of Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Lesions on Neural Representations of Schema and Semantic Category Knowledge. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience33(9), 1928-1955.
  Gilboa, A., & Moscovitch, M. (2021). No consolidation without representation: Correspondence between neural and psychological representations in recent and remote memory. Neuron.
Moscovitch, M., & Gilboa, A. (2021). Systems consolidation, transformation and reorganization: Multiple Trace Theory, Trace Transformation Theory and their Competitors.ISO 690
Vasquez, B. P., Lloyd-Kuzik, A., & Moscovitch, M. (2021). Mobile app learning in memory intervention for acquired brain injury: Neuropsychological associations of training duration. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1-27.
Bouffard, N. R., Golestani, A., Brunec, I. K., Bellana, B., Barense, M. D., & Moscovitch, M. (2021). Single voxel autocorrelation uncovers gradients of temporal dynamics in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex during rest and navigation.
Fischer, M., Moscovitch, M., & Alain, C. (2021). A systematic review and meta‐analysis of memory‐guided attention: Frontal and parietal activation suggests involvement of fronto‐parietal networks. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science12(1), e1546.
Sekeres, M. J., Moscovitch, M., Winocur, G., Pishdadian, S., Nichol, D., & Grady, C. L. (2021). Reminders activate the prefrontal‐medial temporal cortex and attenuate forgetting of event memory. Hippocampus31(1), 28-45.